Friday, May 20, 2011

William McKinley

William McKinley is ranked as the best of eight presidents from Ohio, but it still barely in the top half overall. William McKinley was to serve two terms in office, but was quickly assassinated in his second term.
McKinley's presidency was key to the United States because it oficially placed America's money on gold and saw the establishment of the United States as a true Colonial power. McKinley also annexed Hawaii into the union. McKinley's presidency also saw some key events such as the Spanish-American war in which an American ship Maine was blown up off the coast of Cuba and this was the start of the war. The result of the war saw America gaining control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phillipine Islands. The Open Door Policy being rejected by China in the Boxer Rebellion led to America fighting in China to convince China to agree to trade with the western countrie(Martin Kelly).
William McKinley Memorial

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